The Bad Guys

In the  ADJECTIVE GUYS series, Mr. Wolf and his friends Mr.  ANIMAL, Mr. Piranha, Legs, and Mr.  NOUN try to do good deeds so people will stop seeing them as "bad guys". They FREE  NUMBER dogs from a maximum security dog pound and  NUMBER chickens from life in cages and certain death on a  ANIMAL farm. The team try to save the  NOUN of cute, furry animals, only to be  VERBed by a  ADJECTIVE guinea pig, who unleashes an army of zombie  NOUNs on them. There are adventures in  PLACE, where Mr. Piranha saves the day with his gas. There is a a creature with too many  BODY PARTs who is eating the Bad Guys. Finally, they escape using a  VEHICLE and land back on Earth. They see  CREATUREs which tell them they are in the wrong time. The gang have some  ADJECTIVE adventures!!!