Payroll Office Party Shenanigans

At the annual payroll office party,  NAME decided to play a prank on  NAME .  NAME snuck into the party early and placed a  NOUN in the middle of the dance floor. When  NAME entered the party, they couldn't believe their eyes! They  VERB and stumbled over the  NOUN, creating a hilarious scene that had everyone  VERB ENDING IN ING. The laughter continued as  NAME handed out  ADJECTIVE party hats to everyone. They were  ADJECTIVE and had  NUMBER  NOUN PLURAL dangling from them. The party's theme was  ADJECTIVE, so we all wore  COLOR  NOUN PLURAL as accessories. As the night went on, the DJ played  SONG on repeat, and everyone couldn't resist dancing like  ANIMAL. At one point,  COWORKER'S NAME challenged the boss to a  ADJECTIVE dance-off, which had everyone cheering. The boss showed off some  DANCE MOVE moves, but  COWORKER'S NAME countered with some  DANCE MOVE of their own. It was a showdown of epic proportions! Later, during the  ADJECTIVE karaoke session,  NAME surprised everyone by singing  SONG in a  ADVERB  ADJECTIVE voice. It was so  ADJECTIVE that even the shyest coworkers grabbed the  MICROPHONE and joined in. The highlight of the party was when  COWORKER'S NAME won the  ADJECTIVE raffle prize, a giant  NOUN. They tried to fit it in their car, but it was  ADJECTIVE! We all helped them  VERB it home, and it became a legendary symbol of our unforgettable payroll office parties. Feel free to fill in the blanks with your own words to create a personalized and funny mad lib about your payroll office party!