Once upon a time before going remote, employees of a/ADJECTIVE] place to work called Improve Health had offices in a  A FUN PLACE/LOCATION, and a(n)  DESCRIPTIVE WORD employee named  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME had just started their first day. On day one, the first person  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME met was  #2 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME, who was in the  LOCATION IN AN OFFICE  VERB ENDING IN ING.  #2 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME seemed  DESCRIPTIVE WORD and  ADJECTIVE/ADVERB.  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME learned immediately  #2 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME liked to talk about fuzzy  THINGS MAKE PLURAL, eating  A CARNIVAL FOOD and drinking lots of  A BEVERAGE. It was  ADJECTIVE to see that so many of the team members liked to  VERB and showed a lot of  NOUN/VERB towards each other! As the morning  ACTION WORD on,  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME met  #3 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME, who was busy  VERB ENDING IN ING.  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME laughed and said, "many people sure like to  NOUN/VERB around here and there is a lot of opportunity to  NOUN/VERB, that's the  ADJECTIVE thing I've ever seen!" While learning more about the team members, the one thing  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME learned about  #3 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME is that they had just returned from vacation where they spent time in/at  A PLACE/LOCATION, and they even brought back  TNINGS/ITEMS MAKE PLURAL for every team member to  VERB. Soon it was lunch time,  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME met  #4 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME in the  LOCATION IN AN OFFICE, after introducing themselves,  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME learned quickly that  #4 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME was very  ADJECTIVE/NOUN/VERB and would be  ADJECTIVE/NOUN/VERB to work with.  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME also noticed that  #4 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME was wearing a(n)  COLOR  TYPE OF CLOTHING/GARMET/COVERING, and it was obvious they enjoyed  A HOLIDAY since their cubicle was decorated in  HOLIDAY DECORATION MAKE PLURAL and had a savory smell of  NOUN.  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME also noticed,  #4 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME was wearing a sweater with little  THINGS/ANIMALS printed all over it. Finally, just before the end of the day,  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME saw a small group gathering around the  OFFICE ITEM munching on a  THING MAKE PLURAL , when  #5 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME who normally wouldn’t join sat down and began eating their leftover  ITEM MAKE PLURAL from the night before and was talking about how their  PET'S NAME who is a cuddly  ANIMAL was running down the street this morning leaving no time to take it home, so they brought  PET'S NAME to work and is currently hiding in their office. As the team was leaving,  NAME OF ONE DIRECTOR wished everyone a great night and reminded them to go home and  ADJECTIVE/NOUN/VERB and asked  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME how their first day went.  #1 TEAM MEMBER'S NAME replied, “I had a/n  ADJECTIVE/NOUN day!