Clare' Back Pack

Clare and  DISCORD MEMBER are working on building a  OBJECT 1 together at Mr. Simpson’s house.  DISCORD MEMBER is curious about what a teacher’s house is like and decides to wander off into Snake and  ADULT DEGRASSI CHARACTER 1 bedroom. Together, they find a  NOUN THING under the  HOUSEHOLD ITEM , and when they hear someone coming  DISCORD MEMBER shoves it into Clare's  NOUN THING . It turns out to be  ADULT DEGRASSI CHARACTER 1 asking if they'd like anything to eat. At school the next day, Clare brings  DISCORD MEMBER into the  LOCATION AT DEGRASSI and tries giving her the  OBJECT 1 , saying she doesn't want to hold it anymore.  DISCORD MEMBER takes it out of the package and turns it on, clumsily dropping it to the floor. Someone outside the stall picks it up, and it turns out to be  DEGRASSI CHARACTER 2 .  DISCORD MEMBER asks her if she's ever used a  OBJECT 1 and  DEGRASSI CHARACTER 2 says she has, and that  VERB ENDING IN ING is normal and that there's nothing to feel  FEELING about. She gives them back the  OBJECT 1 and Clare puts it back in her bag. While in Mr. Armstrong's class,  DISCORD MEMBER 2 trips over Clare's bag and her bag starts  VERB ENDING IN ING . Mr. Armstrong tells her that  NOUN THING 1 aren't allowed in school, and when she replies saying she doesn't have a  NOUN THING 1 , he takes her bag and says "Then what's..." and pulls out the  OBJECT 1 . Everyone in the class starts  VERB ENDING IN ING , and  DISCORD MEMBER 1 tries telling Mr. Armstrong that it's a  NOUN THING for their project. He doesn't believe her. Clare's mom gets called down to the school, and the principal takes the  OBJECT 1 away. Clare's mom is upset and thinks Clare is  ACTIVITY 1 . Clare tells her she isn't  ACTIVITY 1 but her mom is still mad and tells Clare to go back to class. Later, Clare and her mom talk about  ACTIVITY 1 The next day, Clare and  DISCORD MEMBER discuss what happened, and Holly J. insults Clare about it. However, Clare comes back with a witty reply, saying  DEGRASSI QUOTE causing  DISCORD MEMBER to break out in giggles, and Holly J. to scoff and walk off.