Suburani 1-10

 INTERJECTION! So much happened in the first ten chapters of  NOUN! Sabina  VERB in the  NOUN PLACE that her father, Faustus, owns. Her aunt Rufina  VERB the bar there. They have a  ADJECTIVE parrot that likes  VERB INFINITIVE . Sabina has a pretty  ADJECTIVE life. Once she met a  ADJECTIVE young  NOUN named Lucilius when she saved him from a falling  NOUN. Lucilius is not used to life in the Subura, and he  ADVERB leaves  CONJUNCTION becomes a  NOUN in the province of Lusitania. Gisco and Catia, who come from Britannia, are living  PREPOSITION the insula as well. They have told Sabina many  ADJECTIVE stories about living in  NOUN PLACE. There are many people there who are  ADJECTIVE because of the Romans, so Gisco and Catia decide to travel to Rome instead. They have a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN named Celer, which means  ADJECTIVE . Everyone in the Subura is getting by as best they can. ! Except Faustus owes a lot of  PLURAL NOUN to a  ADJECTIVE senator, who has been threatening  VERB INFINITIVE Sabina if he doesn’t  VERB . What is Faustus supposed to do now? He tells Sabina to leave Rome  ADVERB . She is very  ADJECTIVE but gets ready to leave.