Michael Accidentally Books A Male Escort

Michael was napping in his  NOUN one day when he looked down at his  NOUN. There was an ad that advertised a male "friend" you could  VERB and  VERB his  BODY PART with a  NOUN. Michael was very  VERB ENDING WITH ED and swiped away the ad. He felt his  PLURAL BODY PART close as he slowly drifted off to sleep again. Little did he know, his  BODY PART had accidentally touched his phone, and it clicked on the ad. A few hours later, there was a knock on the door. Michael sprang out of his  NOUN and  PAST TENSE VERB to the door, where a man wearing a  COLOR  NOUN was waiting there. The man  PAST TENSE VERB, and spoke: "Hello Michael, it seems you have put in a request for me? What would you like me to do for you today? I can  ACTIVE VERB your  BODY PART while also  VERB your  COLOR  NOUN. Is that something you are interested in?" Michael, slightly  ADJECTIVE replied: ", I would  LOVE/HATE to have my  BODY PART  VERB ENDING WITH ED by you!"