
Nurse ___________  NOUN assessed her patient’s ________  ADJECTIVE skin as early into her shift as she was able to, _____  TIME . Upon her assessment, she found a _________  SKIN ALTERATION on her patient’s ________  BODY PART . What she saw could only be described as ____________  ADJECTIVE __________  COLOR with a _________  LIQUID type substance coming from it. The patient states they think it came from the __________  NOUN. The nurse dressed the wound with __________  MEDICAL SUPPLY and continued her skin assessment. ____ layers were found under the patient. The nurse made sure to protect the patient’s skin by removing the unnecessary ___________  NEGATIVE ADJECTIVE layers. After completing her assessment, she made sure to take photos, chart, and pass on in report the new_______  ADJECTIVE skin alteration she found on her shift. The patient’s brother who was watching the nurse do her assessment later thanked her with ____________  FOOD ITEM.