Angela & Taylor's Amazing Adventure

It was a crisp autumn day when Angela and Taylor decided they wanted to go on a  ADJECTIVE adventure. Taylor suggested going to the store and buying a  NOUN, while Angela exclaimed they should go to the  PLACE! They decided, with Porter's approval, to go to  COUNTRY. Once there, they ate lots of  PLURAL NOUN and did a lot of  PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. Their adventure was going so well until Taylor tripped and broke his  BODY PART. Angela screamed, "  EXCLAIMATION!" The adventure took an even wilder turn when on their way to see the doctor at the  PLACE, they were abducted by a  MYTHICAL CREATURE. Porter wasn't going to take that sitting down and attacked the creature by biting his  BODY PART. Porter saved the day! It was time to go home, but Angela and Taylor were determined to end their  ADJECTIVE trip with a bang! They met a  PROFESSION and bought some  NOUN to eat on the plane ride home. It was  ADJECTIVE! When they returned home, Porter suddenly spoke and shouted in a very  ADJECTIVE voice, "!" They all laughed and went to bed and dreamed of  SOMETHING WEIRD. The END.