How To Be A Cheerleader

STEP 1 - LEARN CHEER MOTIONS Learning arm motions is the first  NOUN to do when you learn how to be a  NOUN. They are the foundations of cheerleading, and you will see them in stunts,  PLURAL NOUN , jumps,  VERB ING - EVERYWHERE. Whether you're a beginner, you have  PLURAL NOUN next week or you're an all-star  NOUN, you need to have strong arm motions to  VERB. All cheerleading moves are based on the basic technique of cheerleading motions: which are often the most critiqued aspect of cheerleading and  ADVERB make the difference between a beginner and a  NOUN. TWO TYPES OF  BODY PART POSITIONS BLADES - hands held open with  BODY PAR PL extended together, thumbs flat. FISTS - closed and tight, squeeze with the thumb curled in front of the fists. You want the "swirlies" or "cinnamon rolls" always to face the  PLACE unless doing the '' motion. HOW TO PERFORM YOUR MOTIONS All your moves should be performed sharply. Imagine hitting a brick  NOUN in the air.  BODY PART PL should not be cocked, but in a straight line with your  BODY PART PL.  BODY PART PL should be on the outside of your  BODY PART PL, with your pinky fingers at the back. Show your swirlies! Your  BODY PART PL should always be in FRONT of you, even when doing side motions such as a T or L  BODY PART PL should be  PAST TENSE VERB for every motion, not up at your ears! Practice in front of the mirror. You may feel you're doing the moves  ADVERB, but you may not be! THE 5Ps OF ARM MOTION TECHNIQUE: PUNCH - Fists / punches go first. Punch the air so hard you see it move! POWER - All your  PLURAL NOUN should be executed with lots of power. Squeeze so hard that if someone were to try and  VERB your  BODY PART PL when you are holding your motion they should not be able to! PATHWAY - Use the quickest way to get from point A to point  PLACE. Punching first, do not swing, break the motion or swing it. POSITION - Arms should ALWAYS be in front of you, even with a side motion. Test if your position is right. Hold a High V or a T. Looking straight ahead of you can you see your  BODY PART PL ? If yes, you are doing it correctly as your fists should always be in your field of vision. POSTURE - Make sure that you don't slouch or stick out your tummy & backside. Keep the core engaged, be  ADJECTIVE and make yourself as  ADJECTIVE as you can.