
Thor, Odin’s son, is the thunderer. He is  ADJECTIVE where his father Odin is  ADJECTIVE,  ADJECTIVE where his father is  ADJECTIVE. Huge he is, and  COLOR-bearded, and strong, by far the strongest of all the  PLURAL NOUN. His might is increased by his  NOUN of strength,  PROPER NOUN: when he wears it, his  NOUN is doubled. Thor’s weapon is  PROPER NOUN, a remarkable  NOUN, forged for him by  PLURAL ANIMAL. Trolls and frost giants and mountain giants all tremble when they see Thor's weapon, for it has  PAST TENSE VERB so many of their brothers and friends. Thor’s mother was  PROPER NOUN, the  NOUN goddess. Thor’s sons are Modi, the  ADJECTIVE, and Magni, the  ADJECTIVE. Thor’s daughter is Thrud, the  ADJECTIVE. His wife is Sif, of the  ADJECTIVE  COLOR hair. Thor is the defender of  PLACE and of  PLACE. There are many stories about Thor and his  ADJECTIVE adventures.