Trick-or-Treating On Halloween

On Halloween, you get to go trick-or-treating! Everyone will dress up in costumes, like a/an  NOUN or a/an  NOUN. This year, you decided to dress up as a/an  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. Your mom takes you and your best friend trick-or-treating. While you are out, your dad stays at home and  VERB. Other fun things to do on Halloween are  VERB ENDING IN 'ING' scary movies and  VERB ENDING IN 'ING'. This year, you get lots of  ADJECTIVE candy! When you get home, your dad says he wants some, because he works hard as a  JOB and he deserves some of your  TYPE OF CANDY. You are  ADJECTIVE but you give it to him anyway. Dads are so  ADJECTIVE but you love him!