Nissan Formula E Team Boss: Noise Should Be About ‘quality’, Not Volume

Should Formula E be making steps to create a more  ADJECTIVE ,  ADVERB  ADJECTIVE noise from its cars? Not just replicating a(n)  ADJECTIVE internal combustion engine, but – like  PERSONS NAME is doing with  NOUN, for example – moving towards a much more  ADJECTIVE sound? Not so, according to Nissan’s Formula E team boss Tommaso Volpe. “Personally I think they already have a  ADJECTIVE sound, but of course you cannot compare it to a(n)  NOUN,” he said. “But the  ADJECTIVE sound of Formula E is  ADVERB  ADJECTIVE . I think it’s more in the spirit of the event where the  NOUN play a role as well. “So in a way you can  VERB the crowd more. It’s more mixed, more ‘entertainment’, not just pure,  ADJECTIVE motorsport,” he   ED VERB. He did however,  VERB that there is  NOUN in improving the sound, but not for the sake of volume. “The quality of sound doesn’t mean that the sound has to be  ADJECTIVE ,” he said. “That’s a little bit old fashioned, thinking about the  NOUN of vehicles in general. You can have a very high quality of sound without it being loud, but more  ADVERB  ADJECTIVE .” Both Nissan FE drivers were,  ADVERB , unperturbed by the (lack of) noise. “It’s not comparable to a(n)  NOUN for sure,” said Sacha Fenestraz, “but it’s just something you get used to. You don’t have the  PLURAL NOUN of the engine which is  ADVERB nice, I don’t miss that. Hands up who’d like Formula E cars to sound like  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN? You won’t get that from a  ADJECTIVE engine either, that’s for sure…