
 ADJECTIVE  BODY PART disease (  LETTER FIRST BODY PART STARTS WITH D; fill this in as ___D!) has a prevalence of  NUMBER in adults in the United  PLURAL NOUN and costs an estimated  NUMBER dollars in health  NOUN annually. Presentation of this condition includes a wide-ranging constellation of symptoms such as lower  ADJECTIVE function and progressively declining  NOUN, especially in individuals that may have been exposed to  PLURAL NOUN or have a history of  ADVERB  VERB ENDING IN ING. The combination of these influences, along with potential underlying genetic predisposition, leads to an  ADJECTIVE burden that, over time, is thought to contribute to the  NOUN of ___D. Presently, there is  ADJECTIVE understanding of the genetic  NOUN to this condition, although small cohort  PLURAL NOUN have provided some insight. It remains unknown whether development and progression of this complex trait is under regulatory influence of multiple genetic  PLURAL NOUN, but publicly available data sets may enable  ADJECTIVE and more powerful analyses that will yield actionable information for health care providers, as well as family, caregivers, and  PLURAL NOUN of individuals suffering from ___D. The Multifarious Advanced Disease - Learning Advancement Blueprint (MAD-LAB) cohort was established in  YEAR and includes a total of  NUMBER adults within  NUMBER countries, profiled longitudinally for ten  UNIT OF TIME. Whole-  NOUN sequencing was performed at baseline, along with annual transcriptomic, metabolomic, and  NOUN-omic profiling at each timepoint, and participants were tracked over time for development of ___D, as well as a host of other comorbidities. The MAD-LAB data set presents the unique opportunity to  VERB the association between ___D and many potential  ADJECTIVE contributors, signs, and symptoms. The present approach is designed to identify potential single-  NOUN polymorphisms that may be at least  ADVERB associated with incidence or prevalence of ___D, leading the way for future  PLURAL NOUN to establish directionality, causation, or a mechanistic link that may foster future treatment approaches in precision medicine. The hypothesis of this noun is to establish whether there is an association between molecular  PLURAL NOUN and prevalent ____D in the MAD-LAB cohort. We will test this hypothesis using the following specific  PLURAL NOUN. Specific Aim 1: Establish single-nucleotide  PLURAL NOUN associated with frequency of ___D. Approach: MAD-LAB genotypes will be undergo cleaning and quality control to identify missingness, as well as excessive  NOUN and heterozygosity. Linkage disequilibrium will be used to verb the number of calls to identify kinship and relatedness across  PLURAL NOUN. Expected Outcome: We will identify variants that are associated with prevalent ___D. Specific Aim 2: Establish relationship between severity of ___D (based on phenotypic scoring of top symptoms) and transcriptomic profiling over disease progression window available in the MAD-LAB cohort. Approach: Weighted gene correlation analysis will be used to build modules of highly correlated gene expression in individuals with ___D. Phenotypic traits, including mass, years of  VERB ENDING IN ING, and whole  BODY PART function, will be coded and correlated against resultant modules. Expected Outcome: We will identify associations of genes related to the severity of key symptoms in ___D.