Carson, Selah, And The Babysitter

One day, Carson and Selah were  VERB ENDING IN ING a tree fort when a  ADJECTIVE lady wearing a  NOUN shirt drove up. They  VERB, "Who are you?" And she answered, "I'm the  NOUN." Then, Carson and  PERSONS NAME said, "  EXCLAMATION!" After their mom left,  PERSONS NAME and Selah started playing tag. The babysitter was  ADJECTIVE, so she was always "it". In a while, they got  ADJECTIVE, so the babysitter let them have a small  NOUN. They chose  FOOD and spit all the cherry pits at the babysitter. When their mom came back, they all had  NOUN and the babysitter was paid $ for her time. "Come back soon!" said  PERSONS NAME and  PERSONS NAME as she  PAST TENSE VERB away.