Office Party Oath

! Tonight is the  ADJECTIVE Crisp holiday party, and I do hereby promise that I will not make the same  ADJECTIVE mistake as last year. I will not  VERB too much celsius and fall on my  BODY PART. When the Mogills wish me a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN, I will not shout, What am I? A/An  ADJECTIVE  NOUN? No, not me. That describes  CRISP TEAM MEMBER. I will not make photocopies of my  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING, or dance on the  CRISP ITEM. I will not step in the  TYPE OF FOOD while dancing in the Training Center. I understand this does not amuse my fellow Crispers when I joke. This year I promise I will be on my most  ADJECTIVE behavior, because, for the sake of Alex Repas and her waivers, I can't keep acting like a  ADJECTIVE  ANIMAL at work.