Talent Show

Our school,  PLACE Academy, was hosting a  ADJECTIVE talent show for kids aged  SMALL NUMBER to  LARGER NUMBER. I decided to join! Eventually the day of the talent show arrived. I was a little nervous. I loved the acts.  PERSONS NAME performed a dance to the song  SONG.  PERSONS NAME played  SONG on the  INSTRUMENT.  PERSONS NAME told a few silly jokes.  PERSONS NAME sang  SONG, a bit  ADVERB, if you ask me!  PERSONS NAME performed a few  ADJECTIVE tricks with her pet  ANIMAL.  PERSONS NAME simply  PAST TENSE VERB. Finally, it was my turn. I stepped  ADVERB on to the  ADJECTIVE stage, before noticing part of the jury was famous  JOB  CELEBRITY!! I was a huge fan of them, so I  PAST TENSE VERB  ADVERB at them. They just  PAST TENSE VERB at me.I took out a  NOUN from the pocket of my  CLOTHING ITEM. I explained what I would be doing, before lifting the object to my  NON PRIVATE BODY PART and  VERB ENDING WITH ING it. The audience  PAST TENSE VERB. I  PAST TENSE VERB but continued with my act, before eventually stopping. I blushed. I saw the judge’s faces. They looked  NEGATIVE EMOTION. I felt  NEGATIVE EMOTION. Just then, the crowd went wild!! The judges said I was the most  ADJECTIVE act, and that I would be going into the next round!! I couldn’t help but  VERB. I felt so proud!!