Happily Ever After

Cheers to Macy and Jared as they begin a new  NOUN together! From the moment they saw each other across the  NOUN at the  PLACE they knew they were meant to be. Jared couldn't tear himself away from the captivating,  ADJECTIVE Macy, and her gorgeous  PLURAL NOUN. Macy was particularly drawn to Jared's  NOUN and the way he carried himself so  ADVERB. Their first date was to a  PLACE where they  PLURAL VERB a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. From that day forward they have been inseparable. They have built a life together with their  ADJECTIVE dogs,  ADJECTIVE cats,  NUMBER chickens, and Jared's lovely daughter. Last year Jared  PAST TENSE VERB Macy when he proposed to her during a family  NOUN at the lakeside. Kneeling on one  BODY PART, he asked her to become his  NOUN, his one-and-only. After the  EMOTION wore off, Macy answered  ADVERB - YES, of course! She would be his  PRESENT TENSE VERB bride. Next week they will become life partners, each other's ball and chain. We wish them all the  EMOTION and  EMOTION in the big wide  PLACE. No doubt they will soon have a  ADJECTIVE brood of  PLURAL NOUN to care for. Much luck to the newlyweds as they embark on this grand adventure! And may they  PLURAL VERB happily ever after.