Their Story

Zane and Sierra "think" they met during their freshman year of  ADJECTIVE school. To this  NOUN, they still can't remember their exact meeting. During COVID they bonded while watching  TV SHOW. After a few seasons, Zane got the courage to tell Sierra that he  PAST TENSE VERB her. It couldn't have gone better! Sierra  PAST TENSE VERB Zane into the friend-zone ...  EXCLAMATION. Luckily, that didn't last long. Cut to  SEASON OF YEAR and Sierra was  VERB. After a hike-date, Zane and Sierra decided that dating each other would be  ADJECTIVE. Now, you are sitting at their  EVENT as they promise to  VERB each other forever. Zane and Sierra are  ADJECTIVE to begin their lives together as  NOUN and wife. They look forward to raising a  DOG BREED together named  NAME. We hope you enjoyed reading about Zane and Sierra's  ADJECTIVE journey. Now, it's party time! Get ready to  VERB!