Dear Body, A Love Letter

Dear Body, Thank you for showing up today. Despite all the  NOUN we are here together now. Today, and every day, I will do my best to remember: My body is allowed to change as I  VERB with the seasons. My body is a good body and worthy of care and  NOUN today and every day. Today care looks like  AN ACTIVITY YOU DID TODAY. Tomorrow, care may be  AN ACTIVITY YOU AND YOUR BODY LOVE. I do what I'm capable of, and give myself  NOUN and  VERB (ING). My body is more  ADJECTIVE than anyone can imagine. I commit to learning my body's language and giving it what it  PLURAL VERB. On tender days, I promise to be an extra  ADJECTIVE place for my body to land. My value can never be measured by a scale, chart, or  NOUN. My body is my  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. I choose you,  ADJECTIVE body today, and every day. Thank you for choosing me. With love,