Matthew's Proposal

Matthew was living in Calgary   ING VERB for Uncle Glen as a(n)  VOCATION and he was on the Mutual dating app trying to  VERB to girls. He  PAST TENSE VERB upon Sofia’s account and on her profile she mentioned she would love to go to  PLACE on a first date. Matt messaged Sofia and said, “I would  VERB to take you to  PLACE ”. Sofia swiped up and didn’t respond. Matthew  PAST TENSE VERB her and said “Hey, how’s it going, how’s your  NOUN been?” Sofia  PAST TENSE VERB and then right away asked if he taught  NOUN. Although he was originally  ADJECTIVE , that message made him try not to be interested and just help her  VERB English. Then they video-called and he still thought she was  ADJECTIVE but was trying to put off  PLURAL NOUN because he thought she wasn’t interested. After  ING VERB for a while, he finally told Sofia he  PAST TENSE VERB her and she admitted she  PAST TENSE VERB him too. His  PLURAL NOUN grew from there. After watching General Conference together online, Sofia asked Matthew to confirm the  PLURAL NOUN that he felt for her. When he asked what that meant, she gave the example “If you were to ask me to be your  NOUN, I would say yes”. After  ING VERB about it for the rest of the day, Matthew asked Sofia to be his girlfriend. Three weeks later Matthew flew to  COUNTRY and proposed.