A Most Peculiar Interview

"Today's the day!"  PERSONS NAME said, "I'm finally going to land a job to become a  PROFESSION !" They finished their bowl of  FOOD , raced upstairs, and put on their finest  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING . "Wow, I look so  ADJECTIVE that they'll just have to hire me!" They drove their  ADJECTIVE car to the office building and thought, "Wow, I wasn't expecting it to look so  ADJECTIVE ." Regardless, they walked  ADVERB to the front door and introduced themself to the receptionist. "Hello, I have  PLURAL ANIMALS in my pocket and I'm here to  VERB !" The receptionist, whose name was  PERSONS NAME , thought this guest was most  ADJECTIVE but called the manager anyway. Shortly after, a  ADJECTIVE ,  ADJECTIVE business person walked out,  NOUN in hand, and boasted loudly, "Glad you're here! I just finished my afternoon  ACTIVITY and am ready for you now!" The two shook  PLURAL BODY PARTS  ADVERB and proceeded to  VERB into the private office. "Now tell me, what will you bring to the table if I hire you?" "Well, I'm excellent at  ACTIVITY and I studied  PLURAL NOUN at a university in  COUNTRY . So you know I'll be a(n)  ADJECTIVE addition to the team." "How peculiar... and tell me, why do you have  NOUN smeared on your shoes?" The candidate looked down and said, "Oh that? It just helps me feel  EMOTION ." "I see. Well, I have one test for you, and if you pass, I'll hire you on the spot. Are you ready?" "I'm ready to  VERB !" "Very well. Tell me this - when a customer asks you to  VERB , even if they're  ADJECTIVE , what should you do?" They thought very  ADVERB about the question before answering. After  NUMBER  UNIT OF TIMEs, they finally answered, "I should  VERB and let the manager know the request made me feel  ADJECTIVE." The manager raised their  ADJECTIVE  BODY PART and yelled  ADVERB , "Congratulations, you have earned yourself a job!" "  EXCLAMATION !" the candidate shouted! "I'm going to go tell everyone! Thank you, and I'll see you on Monday!" The manager  PAST TENSE VERB and said, "Be sure to bring your  NOUN next week, you'll need it!" "Forget that? How could I?!" The candidate  PAST TENSE VERB  ADVERB back to their car, excited for what the next week would bring.