The Story Of Utena

Once upon a time,  NUMBER years ago, there was a  ADJECTIVE princess and she was very  EMOTION for her  PERSON and  ANIMAL had  PAST TENSE VERB. Before the princess appeared a  VERBing prince riding upon a  COLOR  ANIMAL. He had a regal  NOUN and a  ADJECTIVE smile. The prince  PAST TENSE VERB the princess in a  FOOD scented embrace and gently  PAST TENSE VERB the  LIQUID from her  BODY PART. "  ADJECTIVE one" he said "  VERBing up alone in such deep  PLURAL NOUN. Never  VERB that  NOUN or nobility, even when you are a  ADJECTIVE  GENDER. I give you this to remember this day. We will again. This ring will you to a  PLACE one day." Perhaps the ring the prince gave her was a ring. This was all well and good, but so  PAST TENSE VERB was she by him that the princess  PAST TENSE VERB to become a  NOUN herself one day. But was that really such a good idea?