Stormy Seas

It was a  ADJECTIVE night at sea and things weren’t looking good for Captain Merrill. The crew was downhearted and their  NOUN were getting soggy from the  NOUN. Suddenly, Captain Merrill remembered the  TYPE OF CONTAINER, PLURAL of treasure that had been found on the last island they visited. Cap  ADVERB tiptoed down to the brig. The wood of the boxes was weathered. What was in them? Captain picked up one under each  BODY PART and hauled them back upstairs to the deck. The crew gathered around and the Captain used a cutlass to  VERB the locks.  EXCLAMATION Inside, gleaming and new were  NUMBER books. The Captain lifted the closest book and carefully  VERB, PAST TENSE the cover and began to  VERB. One by one, the crew forgot their  ADJECTIVE boots and the stormy  NOUN and sat down, drawing closer to the Captain as they listened to the  NOUN of wonder and  NOUN.