Measurement Madlibs

‘Twas  NUMBER of day(s) before the  ADJECTIVE project plan was due, and all through the  PLACE , Not a  NOUN was  VERB ENDING IN , not even a  COWORKERS NAME . The dates were all  PAST TENSE VERB to the Excel  NOUN] with care, In hopes that everyone would  VERB them all there. When out in my Symphony there arose such a clatter, I arose from my  NOUN to see what was the matter. Away from my Excel  NOUN I  PAST TENSE VERB like a flash, Tore open my Symphony  PLURAL NOUN with a crash! When what to my wondering  G RATED BODY PART did appear,  NUMBER messages from  COWORKER NAME ,  COWORKER NAME , and  COWORKER NAME there. “We need OKRs to communicate our priorities, “So we can deliver progress to everyone, including authority!” “Our  ADJECTIVE objective will answer what we need to do!” “Our  ADJECTIVE results will answer if we’ve followed through!" And I  VERB ENDING IN when I read these, and I shook my head, Their  PLURAL NOUN made me realize that I had nothing to dread. I spoke not a word and  PAST TENSE VERB straight to work, I  PAST TENSE VERB my OKRs and shared the file with a smirk. “  G RATED EXCLAMATION ”, I pinged my colleagues with major delight, “We’ve finished the  ADJECTIVE project plan, thank you all and good night!