Island Of The Dolls!

The Island of the Dolls was discovered by a man named  PERSONS NAME in the 1950s . He left his family to go live at  NOUN lake in  COUNTRY . When he was there, he  PAST TENSE VERB a  ADJECTIVE little girl floating in the lake. A couple days later, he found a doll  VERB ENDING IN ING in the water. He thought he  PAST TENSE VERB a voice saying, "where's my doll?" He was so scared, he  PAST TENSE VERB the doll on a  NOUN. Then he found more dolls in different places like the  NOUN, the  PLACE, and even in the  NOUN. He also  PAST TENSE VERB those dolls. During the year 2001, he had a heart attack and  PAST TENSE VERB. His family thought he was  ADJECTIVE about the dead girl in the lake. Today the Island of the Dolls is a  PLACE people visit when they go to Xochimico,  COUNTRY. They also  VERB dolls and  VERB them on trees like  SAME NAME did. Do you believe the story of the Island of the dolls?