Fun Facts About BINGO

The game, which first came to the U.S. in the 1930s, started with paper cards sporting 24 numbered squares arranged in  NUMBER rows and  NUMBER columns — plus that enticing “free  NOUN” in the middle which seems to  VERB a short cut to riches! Bingo’s making a comeback today thanks to Bingo games on mobile devices. Germans were the first to use Bingo cards in the 1800s as a type of educational tool to learn  SOMETHING YOU LEARN . It is believed that the  NOUN was renamed Bingo when an overly  ADJECTIVE player shouted "Bingo" instead of "Beano" while he  PAST TENSE VERB the game. Lucky  PLURAL NOUN are often used in bingo as well. Basically, if you can  VERB , you can play Bingo. If the host calls out the numbers fitting a certain pattern on your card — you scream "  INTERJECTION !" and proceed to collect your  NOUN. Bingo tends to turn into one big party. Players make friends quickly and enjoy the camaraderie. It's a stress-free way to spend time and have fun! Bingo games attract people of all ages and remain extremely popular among seniors. You don't need nerves of  NOUN or a compelling "poker  PART OF BODY " to have a successful Bingo experience.