The Grade 5 Class

Once upon a time, there was a  ADJECTIVE grade 5 class at Lombardy Public School. This class had 28  ADJECTIVE kids who loved to  VERB every chance they got.  PERSONS NAME was especially  ADJECTIVE and  PERSONS NAME liked to  VERB so often that it made their teacher, Mrs. K, feel  ADJECTIVE. Mrs. K loved coming to work every day to  VERB with her  ADJECTIVE class. She especially enjoyed teaching them about  PLURAL NOUN,  PLURAL NOUN, and  PLURAL NOUN because they were so eager to learn about these subjects in particular. One day, during a body break,  PERSONS NAME's  NOUN started to  VERB so  ADVERB that Mrs. K had to call Mr. Wiley. It sure was a day to remember! Another time, during math,  PERSONS NAME got so  ADJECTIVE that  PERSONS NAME had to  VERB! It was never a dull moment in room 29. When June 27th, the  ADJECTIVE day of school finally came, Mrs. K felt extremely  ADJECTIVE and even a little  ADJECTIVE. She knew that she was going to miss the students, even though they sometimes  PAST TENSE VERB and  PAST TENSE VERB when they weren't supposed to. She had grown to feel very proud of all of the students (except for  PERSONS NAME of course). Just kidding, she was proud of what every single student had accomplished and she knew they would grow up to become  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN. When the students left for  NOUN on the last day, Mrs. K wished them a very  ADJECTIVE summer and the best of luck in  NOUN. She knew for certain they would all  VERB in grade 6!