The Story Of Katie & John

Katie & John met  WHERE/HOW?, and their first date was  WHERE?. The date went  ADJECTIVE! They spent their first movie night watching  MOVIE and it was shortly after that they shared their first kiss. Though  KATIE/JOHN said "I love you" first, the love was mutual. They spent the next years falling deeper into love. Katie's favorite physical attribute of John is his  BODY PART, and her favorite personality trait is he is  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE . While John does love her  BODY PART, he loves her  PERSONALITY TRAIT the most. They will live in  PLACE after they are married, where they are looking forward to starting a life together. Their favorite things to do together are  ACTIVITY and  ACTIVITY, which they are excited to do more of once they are married. John would like  NUMBER kids, and Katie would like  NUMBER kids, and we know their family will be beautiful. We couldn't be more excited for the two of them to be married on  DATE, and to celebrate all together very soon.