Would You Believe Me?

If I told you that you were a/an  ADJECTIVE  NOUN, would you believe me? If I told you that your uncle had just  VERB and now you have inherited a/an  ADJECTIVE  NOUN would you know I was telling the truth? If I told you that you had just  VERB the  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE  NOUN would you think I was lying? That is always the question. Well, the things that I have just said... they are all true. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the fact that you  VERB you  ADJECTIVE  NOUN while  'ING' VERB the  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. Now, let's see. Do you think I am telling the truth?  YES OR NO ? That answer is... unexpected. I certainly thought it would be the other way around. Oh well. Come back to me anytime you want to hear more of the truth.