Laura & Mike’s Love Story

When they met, it was like Mike was hit by a  NOUN. He couldn’t believe his  BODY PART. Everything about Laura was  ADJECTIVE. He  PAST TENSE VERB over to her and said  SHORT CATCH PHRASE. She was so  EMOTION that she  PAST TENSE VERB. On their first date to  PLACE he made a  ADJECTIVE joke and she couldn’t help but  VERB. It wasn’t long before they knew they’d be together until the end of  PLURAL NOUN. He just loves her  NOUN and she loves his  BODY PART. He secretly wants to have  NUMBER kids, and they agreed to get a pet  ANIMAL named  VEGETABLE. Isn’t love  ADJECTIVE ?! As time passes, they know that they might get  ADJECTIVE or  ADJECTIVE , but as long as they remember to greet each other with  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN, always take the time to  VERB, and ask the other about their  PLURAL NOUN, they will live  ADVERB ever after. And that’s what makes for a  ADJECTIVE marriage!