Ramen Ranger 3

When the secret formula for  FAVORITE FOOD PLURAL disappears all of Noodle City turns  ADJECTIVE . To save their  ADJECTIVE city Ramen Ranger and Brotasium must  VERB all the way to space to find it. On the way they meet an unlikely hero, a/an  ADJECTIVE pig named Bacon Boy protector of  FOOD City. He helps them get to space by shooting them with his  ADJECTIVE rocket. Once there they discover the villainous space pirate  GROSS FOOD beard with the secret formula. To defeat him, they must join together and become SUPER  PLURAL FOOD . Then there is a GIANT FIGHT SCENE! Ramen Ranger saves the day by  ACTION VERB ENDING IN ING . With the secret formula back in the right  BODY PART PLURAL , they return home to Noodle City to  VERB . But it’s gotta have a cliffhanger! We see Big Dill sitting in the  FAMOUS BUILDING plotting his next scheme to defeat Ramen Ranger. He takes a sip of his  FOOD juice and says  CATCHPHRASE ! THE END?