The year is  FUTURE YEAR & Xenon is a recent college graduate in a new role on Space Station  HOROSCOPE SIGN at a  NOUN company. She went in at 12pm to present some grand ideas to her manager Terrence but he didn't seem to care about their meeting as he was busy cooing over Persephone, his  NUMBER ft tall space Pomeranian. He even began feeding her space  PLURAL NOUN off his own plate. Xenon found it incredibly creepy and she was losing her train of thought. She felt like she was talking to a space wall and she began to get angry. She blurted out, "You're an incredibly RUDE &  INSULTING ADJECTIVE manager! and your thing with your dog is just creepy!" "What?!" Terrence said turning  COLOR , " I am NOT! How dare you? That is incredibly insulting! And how could you talk about Persephone like that?" He covered the dogs ears. "Can't wait for YOUR next performance review". Marching out, Xenon's fury transformed to panic for her job security. How would she feed her  NUMBER space  ANIMAL PLURAL. She begged to the space sky for a miracle & all of a sudden a magical  NOUN appeared, offering her a chance to go back in time, with magical new skills that would give her what she wanted, for the simple cost of 10,000  PLURAL NOUN. "Anything!" She said. BAM! A flash of light & she was back in Terrence's office at 12:00PM- he was still creepily cooing over the dog but strangely, Xenon felt composed, empowered even. Mature words floated out in a calm tone, " Terrence, right now, as I speak, I notice you are talking to your dog & feeding her. I am finding it distracting, but also I feel disrespected as I've worked hard on this presentation. It makes me feel like I don't matter.". Terrence looked up " Oh my! I am just terribly distracted. That was not my intention, thank you for letting me know how it looked. I am just so anxious about Persephone's big talent show competition today. She gets jumpy &  EMBARASSING ADJECTIVE beforehand so I try to pump her confidence beforehand. Let me focus though, I definitely want to hear your valuable ideas- we hired you for a reason! Can we start over?" Feeling  HAPPY ADJECTIVE Xenon began to recite her ideas and she would go on to revolutionize her space industry's technology. Also, I'm sure everyone is dying to know- later that day Persephone placed first in her space dog talent show - her talent was  AMAZING OR STRANGE TALENT .