
Once there was a very  ADJECTIVE school in that school was a teacher named Mrs Cochrane. Mrs Cochrane had a very  ADJECTIVE class. so much so they decided to play a math game while  VERB this made everyone feel  EMOTION. Everyone was having so much  ADJECTIVE except for  PERSONS NAME playing this game made them feel very  EMOTION because they couldn't figure out  MATH PROBLEM and  MATH PROBLEM Mrs Cochrane feeling  EMOTION went over to ask if they were okay.  PERSONS NAME responded no i hate  SCHOOL SUBJECT Thats to  ADJECTIVE said Mrs Cochrane. Now lets try doing this math problem instead (points to  NOUN)  MATH PROBLEM. Haray said the class. and everyone in the end had to solve  VERY HARD MATH PROBLEM along side there favorite  ANIMAL tehe is was so  ADJECTIVE it  VERB into a wall. and solved this math problem (  EXTRA HARD MATH PROBLEM ).