Pride And Prejudice

My  NOUN will not be repressed. You must allow me to  VERB you how ardently I  VERB and love you. In declaring myself thus I`m aware that I will be going expressly against the  NOUN PLURAL of my family, my  NOUN PLURAL, and, I hardly need add, my own better judgment. The relative situation of our  NOUN PLURAL makes any alliance between us a reprehensible connection. As a rational  NOUN I cannot but regard it as such myself, but it cannot be  VERB ENDING IN . Almost from the  ADJECTIVE moments, I have come to feel for  PERSON ... ...a  ADJECTIVE admiration and  EMOTION, which despite my struggles, has  VERB ENDING IN every rational  NOUN . I  VERB you, most fervently, to  VERB my suffering and consent to be my  NOUN. In such cases as these, I believe the established mode is to  VERB a sense of  EMOTION. But I cannot. I have never  VERB ENDING IN your good  NOUN , and you have certainly bestowed it most  ADVERB. I`m sorry to cause  NOUN to anyone, but it was  ADVERB done, and I hope will be of short  NOUN . And this is all the reply I am to expect? I might wonder why, with so little effort at civility, I am  VERB ENDING IN .