Mad Libs - A&I

It was a  ADJECTIVE day in  LOCATION when Anuja decided to write a screenplay set in  EXOTIC LOCATION . She felt a little  NOUN . She put her hand on her  BODY PART and smiled. Then, she started feeling the  PLURAL NOUN in a rhythmic pattern, and suddenly she heard  SOUND . The baby was  VERB ENDING IN ING to her. He said, "Dear Mama, I'm so excited to meet you! I've been  VERB ENDING IN ING to all the people around and am  EMOTION that I will be born into such a  ADJECTIVE family. When I arrive, I want to hear you sing  SONG to me, and I want to play with my big sister Lila. I love you and I will see you soon." Anuja  PAST TENSE VERB to herself as  NOUN rolled down her cheek. "Hey Nuj," she heard Indy say, and jolted awake. "How are you feeling?" "  PHRASE ," she replied, with a(n)  ADJECTIVE smile.