The Watering Hole

Once upon a time, in a vast, hot Savannah, there lived a  ADJECTIVE lion cub named  NAME .  NAME lived near a group of lion cubs his age, but these cubs were not friendly.  NAME was used to being  PAST TENSE VERB by these cubs. One cub in particular, who seemed to be the group's leader, was incredibly  ADJECTIVE. This lion cub was the biggest of them all, and his name was Chuck. When the exclusive, little club was around,  NAME felt  ADJECTIVE. Despite Chuck's initial charm, he was very  ADJECTIVE and mean. Chuck frequently called  NAME a  NOUN, and bullied him relentlessly for his petit size. One day,  NAME was all alone, avoiding interaction with the group of cubs he so hated. Lost in his  NOUN,  NAME devised a plan to get revenge on Chuck. The next day,  NAME approached Chuch and his friends.  NAME was strangely  ADJECTIVE, brushing off Chuck's  ADJECTIVE comments with ease. When Chuck was done with his insults,  NAME cunningly brought up a refreshing watering hole he had stumbled upon earlier.  NAME then  PAST TENSE VERB from the topic, but it was too late. Chuck demanded the location of the watering hole, and  NAME complied. Following Chuck and the rest of the group,  NAME watched as the lion cubs searched for the watering hole, but to no reward. Finally,  NAME hinted toward a mysterious hole in the ground. "Be careful",  NAME warned, "it's very deep..." No later had  NAME uttered those words than Chuck went barreling toward the ground's opening. "Ugh, what is this?!" Chuck exclaimed.  NAME and the other cubs approached the hole to find Chuck covered in mud, unable to get up on his own. "Help me up!" Chuck demanded. All of the cubs looked around sheepishly, not wanting to dirty their paws. "Good luck!"  NAME wished Chuck sarcastically, as he trotted away, "I'm going to find a drink!"