The Party

The conceited girls at the party thought the whole world revolved around them, it was obnoxious. Then they started to ostracize other girls from their group! Some of those girls began to bawl in the corner of the room because of the cattiness. My friend was not invited to the party, so he had to go incognito so the host would not see him.  NOUN The host said she hated when the freshman came to parties, then invited them. So hypocritical. This kid named Josh started acting very inane when he was dancing and almost got himself kicked out! I was feeling pretty nonchalant at this party because I was not acting inane and had my friends by my side. I wasn't too modest either because I did not want to seem full of myself! Josh cleaned up his act and looked very suave tonight! My best friend started to feel qualm at the party, so we went home!