Eli's Story

Once upon a time, there was a man named Henry. Henry lived a very  ADJECTIVE life in his  PLACE in  COUNTRY. He had inherited all this money from his parents. His  ADJECTIVE attitude contributed to his  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE attitude. But Henry didn't love living this  ADJECTIVE life. In fact, he had a  ADJECTIVE secret. He was in love with  PERSONS NAME the maid. Henry knew that he would be  VERB from the family if they ever found out. Every day at dinner Henry's  NOUN would pester him about getting married. She even suggested that he marry  PERSONS NAME of all people, god he hated her. She was so  ADJECTIVE. Apparently her father owned this  PLACE that sold  NOUN so she was such a  NOUN and a  NOUN. On the other hand  PERSONS NAME had this  ADJECTIVE personality that would leave anyone wanting more. Henry declared his love for  PERSONS NAME in front of his  NOUN. She was taken aback.  PERSONS NAME was not rich like Henry. Henry chose  PERSONS NAME over his mother and moved away.