The Conclusion

So there were our 3 explorers,  PERSONS NAME ,  PERSONS NAME , and  PERSONS NAME, facing down  A NUMBER  TYPE OF MONSTER. The monsters were  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE all wearing  COLOR robes. The players were feeling  AN EMOTION about facing this challenge. Luckily no one was the betrayer this round so the players could work together. They quickly discovered a weakness about the monsters in that they could only move by  PLURAL VERB. This made the monster's attacks  ADJECTIVE. The players acted  ADVERB and brainstormed on their winning strategy. They first tried distracting the monsters by using a  NOUN as a weapon. This proved to be unsuccessful as the monsters just  VERB it away. But then, the explorers discovered a/an  ADJECTIVE  NOUN in the Vault. This allowed them to  VERB with the strength of  A NUMBER explorers. This was the monster's ultimate weakness, and as our explorers won they  PAST TENSE VERB to celebrate!