Financial Literacy Mini-Project

is trying to figure out their account balance at the end of  MONTH NAME . Starting balance at the beginning of the month was $ . For the first 5 days of the month, there was no new activity on the car. On day six, the  HERO made a payment of $  NUMBER BETWEEN 1AND 99 . Two days later, our  HERO splurged and spent $  NUMBER BETWEEN 20 80 . For the next week,  HERO did not spent any more money and on the 16th day,  HERO made another payment of $  NUMBER BETWEEN 50 AND 90 .  HERO is feeling pretty good about the payment to the credit card and to celebrate decides to buy a bit  FLAVOR cake for $  NUMBER BETWEEN 20 AND 80. The finance charge is  NUMBER BETWEEN 3 AND 8, ROUNDED TO NEAREST HUNDREDTH of the average daily balance. What is  HERO 's new account balance at the end of the month?