Katie And Chris: A Modern Love Story

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Katie. Katie is a/an  ADJECTIVE sort, as growing up in Florida requires you to be. She was always on the lookout for  ADJECTIVE alligators and old people driving  ADVERB. Up I-95 was a boy who we will call Chris, though his friends call him  NICKNAME. Chris was a child with a/an  ADJECTIVE imagination, chasing  NOUN to prove he was worthy of being on Survivor. But never did he imagine a  ADJECTIVE woman like Katie. They met at  PLACE, definitely not on a dating app, that is only for  ADJECTIVE people. Their first date at the Big Hunt (RIP) was a  ADVERB good time: If it wasn't, would we be here celebrating Katie and Chris'  NOUN right now? From there, their  NOUN grew and grew into something beautiful. Though Chris wasn't always the confident  NOUN you see in front of us today -- he once asked  PERSONS NAME at Decades if Katie was really interested in  NOUN. The more time went on, the more it became clear to those around them: Katie and Chris were meant to be  ADJECTIVE. They weathered a global pandemic, Chris'  ADJECTIVE million dollar twig, and Katie without a  NOUN. In the end, the were  RELATIVE ADVERB than ever. Which brings us to the fateful day of April Fools, 2023. Chris asked Katie a/an  ADJECTIVE question: Will you  VERB me? To which, Katie replied a resounding:  EXCLAMATION! We, your loving friends, wish you nothing but  NOUN and  NOUN in your life together. We want it to be filled with  ADJECTIVE memories and a/an  ADJECTIVE love. Congratulations!