The city was quiet down below Stark Tower as the Avengers gathered for what was sure to be a   ADJECTIVE night. Letters were sent across galaxies to warn this  ADJECTIVE  band of  heroes about the dangers that lurk in the shadows of the universe.   AVENGER1 was the first to   VERB . "We must come together to defeat   VILLAIN 1 , the fate of   PLURAL NOUN rests in our hands." they pleaded. "We've never been one for teamwork." said   AVENGER 2  Everyone looked around the room, waiting for someone to come up with a better idea. Then   ADVERB screams rang out just beyond the city, echoing back to Stark Tower. "Its   VILLAIN 1 ! They're already here!"   AVENGER 4 screamed! Then all at once the Avengers   PAST TENSE VERB in action.  AVENGER 1 hurled their  WEAPON.  AVENGER 2 and  AVENGER 3  PAST TENSE VERB in tandem to disarm  VILLAIN 1. They were no match for the power of the army heading toward the city.  PLURAL NOUN were thrown into the air,  PLURAL NOUN being smashed under the feet of this galactic superpower. The Avengers were losing hope as more  PLURAL NOUN under  VILLAIN 2 PLURAL rule  PAST TENSE VERB through the streets,  VERB ENDING ING across skyscrapers, all headed for Stark Tower. Suddenly  AVENGER 3 had an idea, if everyone could come together to  VERB as one team, they could defeat  VILLAIN 1 and  VILLAIN 2. It had worked years before, it could work again. They  PAST TENSE VERB towards  AVENGER 1 to alert them of the plan. Soon word had spread and every member of the team was  VERB ENDING ING back across the city. Just as as they had left, the Avengers were back at Stark Tower. used the power of  SUPERPOWER to lure  VILLAIN 2 and their army into the sky, while  AVENGER 5 used their  WEAPON to demolish the army one by one. Back inside  AVENGER 1 faced Villain alone. "Such a pity to see to you. I was hoping to avoid a reunion with mediocrity today."  VILLAIN 1 sneered. While the war waged inside, outside  AVENGER 3 struck a final blow to  VILLAIN 2. With no leader to follow, the remaining  PLURAL NOUN in  VILLAIN 2 PLURAL army  PAST TENSE VERB back into the cosmos.  VILLAIN 1 looked from the  ADJECTIVE windows to see they were alone. "It's time you admitted defeat, your armies are crumbling. The galaxy has left you stranded."  AVENGER 1 said through muffled breaths. "  EXCLAMATION But what would be the fun in that?"  VILLAIN 1  PAST TENSE VERB as they stepped forward throwing  PLURAL WEAPON towards  AVENGER 1. Just then  PAST TENSE VERB down from the balcony above and . It was  ADJECTIVE work to capture from there. The city below Stark Tower looked  ADJECTIVE . It would be  LENGTH OF TIME before the city would get back to normal. But as families began to emerge from the , it was evident that even through pain and strife, hope was blossoming. c