Coping Strategies

One day I was  VERB ENDING IN ING through the  PLACE when I stumbled across a  ADJECTIVE little  NOUN. This  SAME NOUN AS BEFORE was having a bad day. They  ADVERB looked at me with tears in their eyes and asked me how a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN like me was so joyful. I looked back at them and  ADVERB replied that being a  COOL NOUN was no easy task. I also told them that whenever I’m feeling sad, I like to  VERB as a healthy coping strategy! What is a healthy coping strategy you ask? Well it can be a lot of things… When you’re feeling  EMOTION, you can always talk to a  NOUN or therapist. Sometimes getting outside and  VERB ENDING IN ING or  VERB ENDING IN ING. On a  ADJECTIVE  SEASON day one of my favorite things to do is to  VERB at the  PLACE. Watching  TV SHOW/MOVIE while eating  FOOD on my couch with  PERSON, or cooking delicious meals like  FOOD topped with  SEASONING and with a side of  FOOD can always lift my mood. After explaining this I quickly saw their mood shift from  EMOTION to  EMOTION. They came up and  ADVERB said, I’ve always wanted to  VERB but I always thought I wasn’t  ADJECTIVE or  ADJECTIVE enough to do it. Thank you kind  NOUN I have to ask, where did you learn about these coping strategies? I chuckled  ADVERB and replied that I learned these  ADJECTIVE tool from my friends at the  ADJECTIVE company called “Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre.