Crytpid Summer

Once upon a time, there were two friends named  ADJECTIVE  FOOD and  ADJECTIVE  FOOD. They were  VERB to the  PLURAL NOUN when they noticed something sitting by the side of the road. They slowly walked up closer when the boy shouted “  COLOR  ANIMAL  COLOR  ANIMAL?!? How weird, I’ve never seen something like that!” the girl exclaimed. “Where did they come from?” “I don’t know,” replied the boy adding, “but we can find out at the library!” “The library!? I don’t have a card. How much are they?” “I think  NUMBER dollars, but we can ask the librarian if we hurry!” They  VERB as fast as they could to the Library. When they got there, the  ADJECTIVE library door was open and the Librarian was sitting at her  NOUN, ready to help. The friends described the  COLOR  ANIMAL and  COLOR  ANIMAL and asked where they came from. “Why, that’s easy!” said the Librarian. “They’re from  PLURAL NOUN ! Let’s find a book or  NUMBER about it for you. She came back with the books and said “Let’s get you a library card so you can check these out and take them home to  PLURAL NOUN . It’s free to use and you can keep them for  NUMBER weeks or renew them.” She also told them about the programs coming up, Read to the  CRYTPID and Crafternoon, where you could make your very own  COLOR  NOUN “We’ll be back next week for those and to check out some more  NOUN!