The Story Of Benny The Bunny

Once upon a time in the  ADJECTIVE meadow, there lived a bunny named  PERSONS NAME.  PERSONS NAME had  ADJECTIVE fur and a heart full of  NOUN. But one day, some animals began treating  PERSONS NAME differently, only because  PRONOUN looked different. They called  PRONOUN  ADJECTIVE names, made fun of  PRONOUN  ADJECTIVE ears, and even excluded  PRONOUN from their  NOUN.  PERSONS NAME felt  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE , wondering why they couldn't see beyond  PRONOUN  NOUN. One day, a  ADJECTIVE owl named  PERSONS NAME heard of this  NOUN. She gathered all the animals and shared a  ADJECTIVE message: "Our differences make us  ADJECTIVE . Let's embrace them and be  ADJECTIVE to one another." From that day on,  PERSONS NAME was cherished by all, teaching everyone that  NOUN conquers all, no matter how we look.