Case File #1 Witness Confession

I was waiting to be adopted in the  TITLE animal shelter. That's when Karen walked in. She had  COLOR eyes and a  ADJECTIVE haircut. I thought I would be the  ADJECTIVE dog she would adopt! suddenly, I saw a man named Conner walk in. He said he was from  COUNTRY and he  PAST TENSE VERB towards Karen. They had a  ADJECTIVE loud argument and Conner started screaming. The owners let me out and I  PAST TENSE VERB out of the store. I looked back and saw Conner pull out a  ADJECTIVE gun. Afterward, I heard a  ADVERB loud bang. Then I saw a  NOUN then heard a dog bark. I  PAST TENSE VERB away as fast as I could to a nearby  BUILDING. It was very cozy and  ADJECTIVE. I felt safe and sad that Karen didn't get a chance to adopt me. At least I got adopted by  PERSONS NAME.