Jen And Kevin's First Meeting (A True Story)

When Kevin met Jen, it was  NOUN at first sight. He couldn’t believe his  EXCLAMATION/CATCH PHRASE ! She smelled like  PLURAL NOUN and walked as graceful as a  ANIMAL. He  PAST TENSE VERB over to say “” and introduced himself. She was so  EMOTION! She had seen him around and thought he was super  ADJECTIVE. They  PAST TENSE VERB for a while and then exchanged  PLURAL NOUN. On their first date, they  PAST TENSE VERB at the  PLACE and he couldn’t keep his  BODY PART off of her. After a  ADJECTIVE night, he was  PAST TENSE EMOTION to bring her home. She  ADVERB looked at him and said “  SONG TITLE ” and he just knew, he had to  VERB her again. Since then, they have been inseparable, and he started calling her his “  ANIMAL”.