How We Met

It was straight out of a movie. Will just so happened to sit next to Alexa on a first-class flight to  PLACE. It was  EMOTION at first sight. They struck up a  ADJECTIVE, engaging conversation, and by the time the plane touched down in paradise, they knew they were meant for each other. Alright, I may have  PAST TENSE VERB a bit. Our real story begins in  CITY. Will and Alexa had matched on a dating app called The  NOUN and scheduled their first date at a  TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT in Manhattan called Draught 55. Highly recommend, a great spot for happy hour and finding your soulmate. Will arrives early. A first for him. He grabs a seat at the bar and  ADVERB checks his phone, scrolls through Alexa’s profile, second guessing every message he’s sent up to this point.. did he come off too  ADJECTIVE? Were his jokes  ADJECTIVE? Probably. Heck, his pickup line was, “". Will takes a swig of  LIQUID just as a  ADJECTIVE blonde walks through the door... ...Behind this woman, Will spots his date who is glued to her Blackberry (yup, they’re that old). He  ADVERB tries to get her attention, waving his arms like she’s his rescue. She finally looks up...  EXCLAMATION, she’s even  ADJECTIVE -er in person. Their conversation starts off with the usual talking points. What do you do? Where are you from? Did you see this week’s  TV SHOW episode? Their passion for  NOUN will only grow from here. Future Will moves 2,500 miles for a  JOB gig and after some excruciating months of long distance, Future Alexa joins him on the Left Coast to get her MBA. Alexa likes his  BODY PART, but as for the well-worn  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING, not so much... Future Will begrudgingly comes to appreciate her fashion expertise. Will nervously  VERB during the conversation, amplifying every point by throwing his  BODY PART in the air. And for the teensiest of moments, his  SAME BODY PART grazes Alexa’s. Sparks! Future Alexa will come to adore Will attempting to be  ADJECTIVE. Ping. Alexa gets another work email. She types  ADVERB. Will steels himself, he’s about to ask her something he’s never asked a woman before... “So, um, I was wondering, where would you go if there was a zombie apocalypse?” That caught her attention. Future Alexa comes to enjoy these “what if” scenarios that pop out of Will’s  ADJECTIVE imagination. Future Will  FEELING TOWARDS SOMEONE her even more for entertaining them. And both of their  ADJECTIVE spirits will take them to many distant lands. Alexa says she’d want to be with her  NOUN and close  PLURAL NOUN in the apocalypse. Will gives a  ADJECTIVE explanation, clearly has given this some thought, but eventually arrives at the same conclusion.  PLURAL NOUN are paramount to both Future Will and Alexa. The hallmark of their conversation is  EMOTION. A lot of it. Something that will sustain their relationship through the good times and the bad. They grab the check. Like a  NOUN, Will walks Alexa home... but then they turn around because Alexa left her  NOUN at the bar. This won’t be the last time this happens. Finally, outside of Alexa’s apartment, they share a kiss goodnight. Alexa’s parting thought is, “I’d love to have a  PET.” Will, “I love ____  SAME PET but nah, too much responsibility.” We all know what happened next.