Your Vacation

You take a  VEHICLE to  COUNTRY and you can visit  PLACE or even  PLACE. It will be  ADJECTIVE,  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE. You could see a  NOUN or even some  PLURAL NOUN. Maybe it will be  COLOR or perhaps  COLOR. If you are lucky it will be  COLOR. You decide to go with  PERSONS NAME,  PERSONS NAME and  PERSONS NAME. Next thing you know you see  SHIP which is your fave ship. You can't believe it and you are so  EMOTION to see them but you decide to spend some time with them. On your trip you want to have some fun so you go  VERB ENDING IN ING and then  VERB ENDING IN ING. Later you were driving your  VEHICLE and almost break your  PART OF THE BODY luckly a  NOUN saved you. A little tip for your trip: if you  VERB ENDING WITH ING enough you will have the most fun. Although it does close at  TIME.