Thompson House Trickster

There were some suspicious things happening around Thompson House. Missing signs, pictures turned upside down. Things just didn't feel right. One day, the residents had enough and decided to take action. They needed to find out who or what, was causing all of this ruckus. First, they thought they should have someone hiding to try and catch the trickster. So they had someone hid in the cleaning closet so they could jump out and catch them in the act. But the resident got too scared hiding in the dark, smelly cleaning closet, so they ran out of there. Next, someone had a good idea of trying to get a picture of the trickster to have some proof. So they set up a camera in the hallway, to see if they could snap a picture of the trickster, but the camera was pointed at the wall so it didn't capture anything. Finally, someone had the brilliant idea of dressing up in a costume and pretending to be a statue in order to catch the trickster. It was fool proof, what could go wrong? They dressed up their friend in all silver to make him look like a knight in shining armor. He would stand guard, be on the look out and finally catch this trickster. When, night fell, all was quite at Thompson House. The only thing you could hear is a few  SOUND and  SOUND from the nurses station. Then, a  ADJECTIVE crash happened down the hall. "What was that?!?" One nurse exclaimed! As they got up to go see what had  VERB the sound down the hallway, they noticed the  COLOR knight in shining armor, laying on the ground. Oh he's  VERB one nurse thought to herself. But as they got closer, they  VERB that it was only a pile of  COLOR colored clothes and there was no one in sight. As they  ADJECTIVE up the mess, a few  NOUN who were awoken by the sound, came out of their  PLURAL NOUN . "Dog gone son of a nutcracker" one man  VERB ENDING IN ED , as he realized what he was seeing. The trickster has gotten away once again. But who was dressed up in the suit? Where did they go? No one will ever know, because after all, tricksters never reveal their  PLURAL NOUN .